
Welcome to a view from a Different Perspective!

I love being outside! Painting and photographing nature is my happy place. I also enjoy watching people and wonder what makes them tick. Behavior fascinates me. So, capturing and creating work around people and animals seemed like my natural path.

Although animals don't think and behave like humans, they are biological creatures, like us. They have interactions within their species, with other animals and with humans that include competition, life cycles, play, and co-exiting. Even predators and prey will break from habitual roles to play from time to time. Often visions of wildlife entertain me while someone is telling me about what is going on in their lives.

The similarities between animal interaction and human behavior will be my focus for the next few years to develop illustrative work about those similar behaviors. This website has been categorized into 5 galleries (in various stages of completion) with work produced over 2 decades. Below is a brief description of each gallery:

Other Works:WoodDuckLongRolloverTwenty-two years of sculpture, paintings and art projects make up the body of this gallery, including registered copies of  “the Masters” paintings, produced at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. 

Photography and Digital Art: Stories are the best! Especially stories about animals and their interactions with fellow animals and with us. The photography in this gallery, along with the accompanying story was selected because of an unusual interaction with nature.

The digital works (at the bottom of the gallery) are created in Photoshop or Illustrator. Some are mixed media (usually paintings, photography, and digital work). The effects are created by manually applying and adjusting multiple layers with blending modes instead of using filters or adjustments to the original image.

Photographic Illustration:


As a photographer and artist, one spends a great deal of time seeking out the unusual, the beautiful, the extreme. I often experience a connection with a subject that is hard to describe, but reminds me of something funny from the past. This gallery contains field wildlife photography about those experiences. Please pardon my photography skills! During the development of this body of work, the quality of the photography was not as essential as the message that the scene or characters convey.



Art of Perspective: This collection is also about human and animal behavior, portrayed through the theatre of animals in natural settings. The scenes reflect human issues that I felt important enough to research, compose, and create paintings about. 

Mindscapes and Migraines: The art created for this gallery is a collection of images crafted from appears in my mind during a migraine headache or during exceptional emotional experiences (like the loss of a friend, experiencing rejection, or connecting with intense feelings). Often beautiful images appear in a flash as animated movement in my mind.