Photography – Blue Herons


After a morning basking in the sun this fellow spent a few minutes fishing within 25 feet of my camera. At times it was so close that the camera could not focus. Fortunately the fish concentrated in an area where I could get a better shot. The bird's intense concentration and lightening speed caught a passing fish unaware. The expert fisher made the hunt look easy. May 2013




September 5, 2014: Today was an unusual day for herons at Huntley Meadows wetlands. What started as a slow day for photography quickly changed as I began my journey back to the car. This young Blue Heron jumped onto the boardwalk so close (15-20 feet away) that I had to back up to take the capture. easy. It remained there for 20 minutes, scanning the marshland undisturbed by my presence.




September 5, 2014: Another strange behavior at the marsh immerged when two Great Blue Herons flew in next to a Great Egret. They displayed to the white bird, walked past, and then continued fishing together for the next hour.




September 5, 2014: Finally, this heron appeared to flash the Full Monty, but actually it was just trying to cool off form the hot and humid day.